

Since our founding we work with academic and business partners to extend our knowledge and support our product development. Collaboration with our partners aims to share scientific insights for successful technological growth.
Below is a list of partners and projects we work on.


DIANT Pharma Inc. (DIANT), a startup company that provides a turnkey solution for continuous manufacturing of nanoparticles, has the exclusive right to integrate the NanoFlowSizer into the DIANT system, providing a major advantage to DIANT customers. The DIANT system has multiple flow options, up to 100 LPM, and has multiple add-on modules with integrated process analytical technology operating as a single, closed system. More about this partner…

“In a complex world, Teva’s mission is simple: to improve the lives of patients across the globe”.
Together with TEVA new technologies for the NanoFlowSizer are tested to extend possible applications to create better health.

InProcess-LSP sponsors and participates in a project of the Dutch High Tech Systems and Materials program, with the Technical University Delft, Utrecht University and NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research).

This project is aimed at developing further innovations in Spatially Resolved Scattering, to broaden the application possibilities of the NanoFlowSizer technology to more complex samples, broader size ranges and different and more demanding process conditions. In the collaboration the innovations will be applied to both industrial measurement challenges and to address fundamental research questions in colloid science and rheology, where the NFS technology offers significant opportunities.

In March 2020 during the COVID19 pandemic, a collaboration was set up with Tiopharma to develop the anesthetic for patients in the intensive care unit. This collaboration caused the development of a real “MultiPAT” application of the NanoFlowSizer . More about this project…

Fast and real-time process control